
IERES has numerous full-time faculty from various academic disciplines, including political science, economics, history, languages, literature, film studies, anthropology, sociology, public policy, and geography. IERES is also home to lecturers, who are leading practicioners in their field and teach part-time for the Institute.

Hugh L. Agnew

Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interest: History of Eastern Europe, history of Czech Republic, nationalism

Phillips Hall, 315

Aaron Bateman

Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: Cold War, History of Science and Technology, Diplomatic History, Military and Intelligence History

1957 E Street, Office 403G

Hadas Aron

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Research Interests: nationalism, populism, international security, democratization and de-democratization, and political narratives with a regional focus on Europe and Israel

Academic Building & Post Hall

Gregg A. Brazinsky

Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: U.S.-East Asian Relations, Korean history, East Asian history, Cold War, diplomatic history

1957 E Street, Suite 503

Theodore Christov

Assistant Professor of Honors, History, and International Affairs

Research Interests: Early modern and modern European history; theories of European integration

Phillips Hall 335

Natalia Dinello

Director, Global Residencies Program

Research Interests: Georgian Politics, global and international development 


Tatiana Efrimova

Assistant Professor of Russian

Research Interests: Russian literature and visual culture (20C-21C), Soviet and post-Soviet film, cultural memory and nostalgia, new nationalisms, gender theory, feminist theory, spectatorship, psychoanalysis and its reception in the Soviet Union, television studies, fashion studies, post-Soviet media, digital humanities

Daina Stukuls Eglitis

Associate Professor of Sociology and International Affairs

Research Interests: Classical and contemporary social theory,feminist theory, social stratification in newly capitalist and advanced capitalist states, women and social change

Phillips Hall 409 I

Laura Engel

Professor of International Education and International Affairs

Research Interests: International and comparative education, globalizations, citizenship, education policy, federal systems, Spain/Catalonia, equity

2134 G Street

Harvey B. Feigenbaum

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Research Interests: Political economy of Western Europe, political economy of France, European politics

Monroe 478

John K. Glenn

German Marshall Fund
IAFF 6338: Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century


Tobias Greiff

Professional Lecturer and Part-time Faculty

Research Interests: Political agency in the Balkans, the emergence of new violent actors and their political use of cultural matrixes (symbols, discourses, rituals) to mobilize, legitimize and  justify violence, conflict analysis and resolution, politics of public space, symbolic politics, cultural psychology, post-war political agency

1957 E St. NW, Office 401D

Henry Hale

Director, IERES,
Director, Petrach Program on Ukraine
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Research Interests: Political regimes, ethnic politics, political behavior, political parties, politics of Eurasia (esp. Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan)

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Hope M. Harrison

Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: The Berlin Wall, East and West Germany, united Germany, international history of the Cold War, Russian foreign policy, German foreign policy, the Caucasus, the influence of history on policy making in international affairs, the politicization of history, truth and reconciliation, historical justice, transitional justice, and the U.S. foreign and security policymaking process

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Anna Helm

Director, Center for International Business Education and Research (GW-CIBER); Associate Professor of International Business; GW–CIBER Business Languages Coordinator

Research Interests: International marketing, consumer perceptions of green products, sustainability and marketing strategy, business case methodology

Funger Hall 403

James G. Hershberg

Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: International history of the Cold War, contemporary international relations, and nuclear history  

Phillips Hall 326

Michelle Kelso

Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Affairs

Research Interests: Historical & Comparative Sociology, Ethnography, Sociology of Education, Race & Ethnicity, Health & Aging, Visual Sociology, Holocaust and Genocide, Education in Eastern Europe, Migration and the European Union, Gender and Employment, Collective Memory

Phillips Hall 409

Olof Kronvall

Professional Lecturer

Research Interests: Transatlantic and European security; Nordic-Baltic, Ukrainian, and Georgian security; U.S. national security policy, military power, and military doctrine; counterinsurgency, stability operations, and conflict termination; and Cold War studies.


Erwan Lagadec

Associate Research Professor of International Affairs and Director, Transatlantic Program and European Union ‘Jean-Monnet’ Center of Excellence

Research Interests: EU, NATO, Development aid, Crisis management

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Saniya LeBlanc

Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Design and manufacturing of mechanical and aerospace systems, Economics, finance and cost engineering, Environmental and energy management, Mechanical engineering, Microelectronics, VLSI systems, and MEMS/NEMS, Nanotechnologies, materials science, energy conversion, and thermal transport

SEH 3570

Kimberly Morgan

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs; Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Research Interests: European politics, gender, comparative social policy, immigration

Monroe Hall, Suite 440

Harris Mylonas

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Research Interests: Nationalism, Nation-building, Social order, Diaspora policies, European integration, Qualitative Research Methods

2115 G Street
Monroe Hall, Suite 403
mylonas@gwu.edu                         https://harrismylonas.com/

Frances Norwood

Assistant Research Professor and Professorial Lecturer in Anthropology

Research Interests: Long term care and end-of-life health policy; healthy aging, disability; innovative health care solutions; quality improvement; spirituality and health; independent living and aging in place; health care reform and health policy; critical medical anthropology; qualitative and quantitative methodologies; United States and the Netherlands.

Irina Olimpieva

Research Professor of International Affairs

Research Interests: social and labor protests, informal economy and corruption, science and education in Russia, Russian immigrants in the USA

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Robert Orttung

Research Professor of International Affairs, Director of Research, Sustainable GW

Research Interests: Comparative politics, Russia, Ukraine, Energy security, Federalism, Democracy

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Sebastien Peyrouse

Research Professor of International Affairs

Research Interests: Political systems, economic development, and religion in Central Asia; Central Asia’s geopolitical positioning toward China, India and South Asia

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Scheherazade Rehman

Director, European Union Research Center (EURC); GW Deans Professorial Fellow of International Finance; Professor of International Affairs; Professor of International Business

Research Interests: International finance, global and emerging financial markets, central banking, economic development, privatization and financial sector development, corporate governance, regional financial crisis management, Middle East economics and Islamic finance, and the European Union

Funger Hall 401E

Sean Roberts

Professor of the Practice of International Affairs; Director, M.A. International Development Studies Program

Research Interests: Development theory, democracy development, media and development, culture and politics, indigenous rights, Central Asia, former Soviet Union, and China

1957 E Street, Suite 501 G

Peter Rollberg

Professor of Slavic Languages, Film Studies, and International Affairs; Director of the Russian Language and Literature Program

Research Interests: Soviet and post-Soviet culture and media, literature and film of Russia and Eurasia, Georgian and Kazakh cinema, Soviet and post-Soviet media

1957 E St. NW, Office #412K

Malcolm Russell-Einhorn

Research Professor of International Affairs

Research Interests: Administrative justice in comparative perspective; administrative justice work and people-centered justice; effectively integrating political economy analysis into multi-year development projects; Rwanda as a case study in implementing administrative justice programming; urban governance and responses to climate change in developing countries

1957 E St. NW, Office #601D

Katrin Schultheiss

Associate Professor of History

Research Interests: Modern Europe, medicinal history, women and gender 

801 22nd St NW

Nikolay Shiklomanov

Professor of Geography and International Affairs

Research Interests: Arctic environment and development, climate change, Geomorphology, History of Arctic research, Socio-economic problems associated with development in Arctic regions

2036 H St NW, Room 202.994.3966

Hilary Silver

Professor of Sociology, International Affairs, and Public Policy and Public Administration

Research Interests: Social exclusion and inclusion, inequality, poverty, housing, homelessness, urban studies

801 22nd Street, 409J

Tara M. Sinclair

Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Research Interests: EU and Western European macroeconomics

Monroe Hall 314

Mary Beth Stein

Associate Professor of German and International Affairs; Director, German Literature

Research Interests: German literature, culture and film; East Germany,; Berlin; oral history and memory studies

Phillips Hall 509F

David Szakonyi

Professor of Political Science; Co-Director, PONARS Eurasia

Research Interests: Political economy, business-government relations, corruption, politics of Russia and the former Soviet Union, authoritarianism, clientelism

Monroe Hall 416

Steven A. Tuch

Professor of Sociology and Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration

Research Interests: Race and ethnicity, inequality, public opinion in post-communist Poland

Phillips 409B

Sarah E. Wagner

Professor of Anthropology

Research Interests: War and memory, nationalism, forced migration, military culture, post-conflict social reconstruction, forensic science and missing persons, anthropology of death and mourning, COVID-19 loss and remembrance

Hortense Amsterdam House 301

Sharon L. Wolchik

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Research Interests: Central and East European politics and policy making, comparative politics of Central/Eastern Europe, gender issues

1957 E Street, Suite 412

Oksana Yakushko

Professor of Clinical Psychology, Program Director

Research Interests:immigration, the history of psychology, contemporary psychoanalysis, intergenerational dynamics and trauma

Daqing Yang

Associate Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: Modern Japanese history, colonialism, memory and reconciliations in Europe and Asia

1957 E St. NW, 503H

Angela Zimmerman

Professor of History and International Affairs

Research Interests: Africa, Modern Europe, 19th-century United States, 20th-century United States, African American History, Imperialism and Colonialism

Phillips Hall 304


1957 E St NW
Washington, DC 20052

Tel: (202) 994-6340
Email: ieresgwu@gwu.edu

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