2022-2023 Cohort
Dr. Antonina Berezovenko – Senior Visiting Fellow, Spring 2023
Dr. Berezovenko is an Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language, Literature, and Culture at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorski Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,” and is also very involved with our partners at ASEEES. She received her Ph.D. in Slavic Philology and Linguistics from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and teaches primarily on language development, especially in the context of historic narratives and national identity. As an IERES Fellow, Dr. Berezovenko will conduct a research project titled “Ukrainian Identity in War Times: Directions, Means and Perspectives of Resistance,” which will examine the intersection between asymmetrically applied Ukrainian language policy and Russian propaganda on its claims to Ukraine, especially regarding the protection of Russian speakers.

Dr. Svitlana Biedarieva – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Svitlana Biedarieva is an art historian, artist, and curator with an interest in Ukrainian, Eastern European, and Latin American art. She holds her PhD in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London. She has taught art history and global history at the University of the Americas Puebla, the University of Anáhuac North, and the Courtauld Institute of Art, among many others. Dr. Biedarieva is a member of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and the Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art. In 2019-2020, she curated an exhibition At the Front Line. Ukrainian Art, 2013-2019 in Mexico City and Winnipeg, Canada. Her edited books include Contemporary Ukrainian and Baltic Art: Political and Social Perspectives, 1991-2021 (Stuttgart: ibidem Press, 2021) and At the Front Line. Ukrainian Art, 2013-2019 (Mexico City: Editorial 17, 2020, co-edited with co-curator Hanna Deikun). As an IERES Fellow, she will conduct a project titled: “Decolonial perspectives on contemporary Ukrainian culture.”

Petro Burkovskyi – Non-Resident Fellow, May – October 2022
Petro Burkovskyi is a Democratic Initiatives Foundation Senior Fellow, supervising DIF analytical activities since October 2017. Before joining DIF, Petro Burkovskyi worked for 14 years in the National Institute for Strategic Studies as Head of the Center for Advanced Russian Studies (2018-2020), Head of Department for Political System Development (2016-2019), Deputy Head of Analysis and Information Department (2010-2016), Chief consultant (2006-2010). In 2005-2006, he worked as Chief consultant in the Chief Analytical Service of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine. He is a cadre civil servant (2005-2018). Mr. Burkovskyi has an MA in Political Science (National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2004). He is an alumnus of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (2007). In 2014 participated in a High Level Expert Program at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. In 2015 completed Defence Management Course at the Cranfield University, UK Defence Academy. His research focuses are public opinion in Ukraine, foreign and security policy of Ukraine, domestic and foreign policy of Russia.

Dr. Marharyta Chabanna – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Marharyta Chabanna is the head of the Political Science Department at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. She received her PhD in 2006 and Doctorate of Science in 2020. Dr. Chabanna focuses on political manipulation, totalitarian regimes and post-totalitarian transformations, public consciousness in transitional societies, anti-corruption policy, electoral context of political opportunism and the role of political rent in economic state policy, and electoral support of far-right political parties. She authored the monograph “Political opportunism in the state budgeting during economic crisis in Ukraine (2008-2009),” a manual on political parties, and over 70 other publications. Since 2007 she has participated in academic mobility programmes with several universities across Europe. She is also the co-chair of the double-degree master’s programme of NaUKMA (Ukraine) and FSU (Germany) and a senior researcher of the Anti-corruption Research and Educational Center of the NaUKMA. As an IERES fellow, Dr. Chabanna will conduct a research project titled Political trust in transitional society- the case of Ukraine: economic and security factors of change.

Dr. Vitalii Dankevych – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Dankevych is the dean of the Faculty of Law, Public Administration and National Security in Polissia National University (Ukraine). He is also a professor at the Department of International Economic Relations and European Integration. In 2018, he received a doctor’s degree at Zhytomyr National Agroecological University in the specialty “Economics and management of the national economy.” He worked as a consultant on the World Bank projects “Capacity Development for Evidence-Based Land and Agricultural Policy Making” (2017-2018) and “Supporting Transparent Land Governance in Ukraine,” (2018-2019). He is a member of Global Learning in Agriculture community (USA). Prof. Dankevych’s research investigates food security, and particulary the impact of the Russian war against Ukraine on global food security (see his work on PONARS Policy Memo, Russia’s War on Ukrainian Farms). Since the beginning of 2022, Dr. Dankevych has organized several international forums on global food security in leading research institutions, work he will continue to lead as an IERES Fellow.

Dr. Volodymyr Dubovyk – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Volodymyr Dubovyk is an Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations and the Director of the Center for International Studies at Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (Ukraine). Dr. Dubovyk has conducted research at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (1997, 2006-2007) and the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland (2002), and has taught at the University of Washington (Seattle) in 2013 and at St. Edwards University/University of Texas (Austin) in 2016-17. Volodymyr has been a Fulbright Scholar twice. He is the co-author of “Ukraine and European Security” (Macmillan, 1999) and has published numerous articles on US-Ukraine relations, regional and international security, and Ukraine’s foreign policy. Since the war broke out, Dr. Dubovyk had to relocate to western Ukraine, where he continues to teach his students remotely. He is a regular contributor to IERES’ PONARS publications. As a Fellow, he will conduct research on “Deepening Ukraine – U.S. security partnership in times of war and the post-bellum period.”

Dr. Oleksandr Fisun – Petrach Fellow, Spring 2023
Dr. Oleksandr Fisun is a professor of political science and the department head at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in Ukraine (B.A. with Highest Honors in Political Economy, 1987; C.Sc. in Philosophical Sciences, 1990; D.Sc. habil in Political Science, 2009). His research interests concentrate on Ukrainian and post-Soviet politics. During the past ten years, he has held visiting fellowships at the Ellison Center for Russian, East European, & Central Asian Studies at the University of Washington (Seattle); the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta (Edmonton); the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki; the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute; the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Amsterdam); the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto; the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies (Warsaw), and the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University. His publications include “Democracy, Neopatrimonialism, and Global Transformations” (Kharkiv, 2006) and numerous book chapters and articles on comparative democratization, informal politics, neopatrimonialism, and regime change in Ukraine and post-Soviet Eurasia. He serves as President of the “Observatory of Democracy” policy research center in Kharkiv, which he founded in 2016 with a group of political experts to improve democratic accountability, civic activism, free and fair elections, and citizen awareness in eastern frontline Ukrainian regions. At IERES, Dr. Oleksandr Fisun will work on his research project, “The Puzzle of Ukrainian Democracy: Presidents, Oligarchs and Informal Politics after the Euromaidan Revolution.”

Dr. Ivan Gomza – Petrach Fellow, Fall 2022
Dr. Gomza is Academic Director of the Public Policy & Governance Program at Kyiv School of Economics. He received his PhD in political science from the Joint Franco-Ukrainian Program at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Dr. Gomza was a fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and at the Fulbright Faculty Development Program. His scholarly interests are democratization, authoritarian regimes, nationalism, contentious politics, and good governance. He has authored two books (including The Republic of Decadent Days: Ideology of French Integral Nationalism in the Third Republic, Kyiv: Krytyka, 2021, in Ukrainian) and several articles on Ukrainian nationalism, authoritarian politics, and social movements for outlets such as Problems of Post-Communism, Journal of Democracy, and Nationality Papers. Dr. Gomza sits on Communist and Post-Communist Studies journal editorial board. He teaches eight courses at Kyiv School of Economics and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and frequently gives public lectures. At IERES, he will conduct research titled “Anti-Vaccination Movement in the Days of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Populist Challenge to Democratic Consolidation in Ukraine?”

Dr. Dmytro Iarovyi – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Iarovyi is a pursuing is second PhD in communication and information at Vytautas Magnus University (his first PhD was for political psychology). Formerly, he worked at the Kyiv School of Economics as a lecturer and program manager at the Public Policy and Governance Department. He also worked as the Head of the International Communications and Analytics Office at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Dr. Iarovyi is an expert on the VoxUkraine project “Index for Monitoring Reforms” and a Member of the Civil Service HR Management Council at the National Agency of Civil Service of Ukraine. He authored the book “Psychological practices of civil confrontation in social media of modern Ukraine” (2020), and co-authored the KSE handbook “Introduction to Policy Analysis” (2019). As an IERES Fellow he will conduct a research project titled “Societal resilience against information warfare in Lithuania and Ukraine: Social actors and interest groups approach,” which will explore how to protect state, society, and different interest groups from the negative impact of information warfare, especially Russian propaganda.

Dr. Roman Kalytchak – Senior Visiting Fellow, Fall 2022
Dr. Kalytchak is an Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. He has been engaged in various international academic projects, has been a visiting scholar at different European and North American Universities, and has received numerous grants. He has been twice a Fulbright Scholar. As an IERES Fellow, Dr. Kalytchak will pursue a research project titled “The United States and its ‘power’(lessness): the US image in the Ukrainian IR Scholarship”. The main objectives of the project are to uncover new data on locally-generated academic knowledge on the USA in Ukraine, open up previously unexplored or neglected scholarly perspectives on this country and provide a detailed and nuanced understanding of how the USA has been academically represented and interpreted within Ukraine.

Dr. Oleksandra Keudel – Petrach Fellow, Fall 2022
Oleksandra Keudel is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Governance at Kyiv School of Economics. She travels between Berlin and Kyiv. In her research, she focuses on participatory democracy and anti-corruption social movement as well as business-political arrangements at the local level in Ukraine. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin (Germany), an MSc in International Administration and Global Governance from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and MA in International Information from the Kyiv Institute of International Relations. Her book “How Patronal Networks Shape Opportunities for Local Citizen Participation in a Hybrid Regime: A Comparative Analysis of Five Cities in Ukraine” has recently been published with ibidem/Columbia University Press. During her stay at IERES, she will continue working on business-political networks, while focusing on their role in the resilience and recovery of Ukraine. She also does policy-relevant consulting on open government and public integrity for the Congress of Local and Regional authorities of the Council of Europe in Ukraine. Oleksandra is a member of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society.

Sophie Lambroschini – Petrach Fellow, May and October 2022
Check out Dr. Lambroschini’s latest PONARS Policy Memo: How Do Ukrainian Networks Resist? Sources and Limits of Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Dr. Tetyana Malyarenko – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Malyarenko is Professor of International Security and Jean Monnet Professor on European Security at the National University ‘Odesa Law Academy’, Ukraine. She is the founder and director of the Ukrainian Institute for Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution, an NGO which promotes interdisciplinary research, research-led teaching and evidence-based advice to policy-makers on crisis management and conflict resolution in Ukraine and beyond. Her research areas include societal and economic aspects of security in transition states, human security and good governance, social conflicts, and civil wars. Dr. Malyarenko has held several visiting research positions at the Johns Hopkins University, Wilson Center, Uppsala University, and more. Recent publications are “Evolving Dynamics of Societal Security and the Potential for Conflict in Eastern Ukraine” (Europe-Asia Studies, 2020), and ‘The logic of competitive influence-seeking: Russia, Ukraine and the conflict in Donbas’ (Post-Soviet Affairs, 2018). At IERES, she will conduct research on “Improving mediation strategies in the protracted Russian-Ukrainian war.”

Dr. Yuriy Matsiyevsky – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Matsiyevsky is Professor of Political Science and head of the Center for Political Research at the National University of Ostroh Academy (Ukraine). He received his PhD in political science from Lviv University in 1996 and habilitation from Ivan Kuras Institute of Political & Ethnic Studies at the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine in 2016. Since 1999 he has taught at Ostroh Academy (Ostroh, Ukraine). In 2014 Dr. Matsiyevsky joined PONARS Eurasia policy network. His research interests include political regimes, democratization, informal institutions in politics and contentious politics. He is the author of Trapped in Hybridity: Zigzags of Ukraine’s Political Regime Transformations (2016 in Ukrainian), several book chapters, and articles that have appeared in Russian Politics and Law, Demokratizatsiya, Political Studies (Polis), Ideology and Politics, and Communist and Post-Communist Studies. At IERES, Dr. Matsiyevsky will conduct research on structural violence in Ukraine and neighboring states.

Dr. Ararat L. Osipian – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Osipian is a Founding Fellow of the New University in Exile Consortium at the New School University (New York). His books include Political and Economic Transition in Russia: Predatory Raiding, Privatization Reforms and Property Rights (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), The Political Economy of Corporate Raiding in Russia (Routledge, 2018) and The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: A Case Study in Post-Soviet Ukraine, 1989-2009 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). Dr. Osipian was Visiting Professor at the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center at George Mason University, and Associate Researcher at the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He obtained his Ph.D. in Education and Human Development from Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University as a U.S. Department of State fellow. He has received funding from Edmund Muskie/FSA, Institute of International Education, Soros Foundation, Open Society Institute, New Europe Foundation, Yale, and CEU. His current project is titled World Bank Comes to Ukraine: University Mergers, Protests, Corruption, War.
Read Dr. Osipian’s latest op-ed: Why are Russian universities pushing African students to fight in Ukraine? publishe by the Times Higher Education and also available here. And keep an eye out for his forthcoming book: The Economics of Growth in Russia: Overcoming the Poverty Trap (Routledge, 2023), now available for pre-order.

Dr. Sergii Pakhomenko – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Pakhomenko is Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Mariupol State University. In 2017 he was awarded the Ivan Vyhovsky Award from the Institute of Eastern Europe of the University of Warsaw. Dr. Pakhomenko was a visiting researcher at the University of Latvia and the Jan Skütte Institute of Political Studies of the University of Tartu. He served as academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ project “Rethinking Regional Studios: Baltic-Black Sea Communication” and headed the Center of Baltic-Black Sea Studies of Mariupol State University. Recent publications include “Russian-Ukrainian War in Donbas: History as a Tool of Propaganda,” “Securitization of Memory During the Pandemic: Cases of Russia and Latvia,” and “Memory Policy in Latvia and Ukraine.” His academic interests are memory politics, ethnopolitics, nationalism studies, propaganda and information warfare. As an IERES Fellow, Dr. Pakhomenko will conduct research on Historical Narratives in Propaganda: Cases studies of Russia and Ukraine.

Dr. Yaroslav Pylynskyi – Resident Fellow, September 2021 – June 2023
Dr. Pylynski is an Associate Professor at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University where he teaches Civic Education, Deliberative Education, and Communicative Strategies. He recieved his Ph.D. in Philology from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and his MA from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. From 2014 to 2022 he was a senior scholar at the Inst. for Pedagogical and Adult Education at the Natl. Pedagogical Academy of Science of Ukraine. From 1998 to 2014 he served as the Director of the Kennan Kyiv Project at the Woodrow Wilson Intl. Center for Scholars. He is the author of books Deliberative Education for Decentralized Communities of Ukraine and From the Nation of Migrants to the Nation of Patriots: How American Education Has Created the American Nation, as well as several articles including “Civic Education: from Theory to Practice,” and “Ukraine’s Revolution: The National Historical Context and the New Challenges for the Country and the World”. During his stay at IERES, Dr. Pylynski is working on a research project titled How Universities in the USA Foster Conscious, Engaged and Active Citizens.
Read Dr. Pylynski’s latest article: The Reasons for the Ukrainian Resistance to the Russian Invasion: Volunteers as Important Drivers of Civil Society in Ukraine

Dr. William Risch – Petrach Fellow, Fall 2022
William Jay Risch is a Professor of History at Georgia College. He is the author of The Ukrainian West: Culture and the Fate of Empire in Soviet Lviv (Harvard University Press, 2011). Dr. Risch is also the editor of and a contributor to the book Youth and Rock in the Soviet Bloc: Youth Cultures, Music, and the State in Russia and Eastern Europe (Lexington Books, 2015). While at IERES, Dr. Risch will be revising his book manuscript, One Step from Madness: Power and Disillusionment in Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution.

Dr. Kateryna Ruban – Junior Visiting Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Kateryna Ruban is a historian who received her Ph.D. from New York University in September 2022. In her dissertation, Dr. Ruban explores the role of abortion in Soviet life and argues that for doctors this medical procedure was a part of female emancipation both in the early Soviet and postwar periods. Her findings are based on a microhistory of a provincial hospital in the town of Irshava in Transcarpathia (Western Ukraine) and a memoir of a Soviet Ukrainian obstetrician-gynecologist who worked there. Earlier, Kateryna earned master’s degrees at Central European University in Hungary and at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine. Before coming to the US, she was a part of the Visual Culture Research Center in Kyiv. Kateryna has published numerous short articles on current political events in both Ukrainian and English. During her stay at IERES, Dr. Ruban will turn her dissertation into a book, provisionally entitled Female Emancipation in Doctors’ Hands: OB-GYN Nina Holopatiuk and the Short History of Abortion in the USSR. She will also continue her research on how Russian academia presents the war in Ukraine and its role in this war for the Western audience.

Dr. Olena Rybiy – Petrach Fellow, Fall 2022
Dr. Rybiy is a Senior Program Officer for Networks and Coalitions Building at USAID/ENGAGE Activity and a senior lecturer at the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. She has worked as a researcher in I.F. Kuras Institute of Political & Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences, a political expert and coordinator of parliamentary monitoring at the watchdog CSO Civil Network “OPORA,” a Carnegie Fellow, and an academic guest at the Social Networks Lab (ETH Zurich). Her work with CSO networks and coalitions striving for reforms across Ukraine influenced her professional shift from theory to practical observation of civil society development. She is experienced in applying evaluation methods like Organizational Network Analysis to explore ties within CSO networks and across sectors (ie. different groups working on civic education). Dr. Rybiy’s interests include Ukrainian civil society, civic participation, and the Ukrainian parliament and party system. As an IERES fellow, she will conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of CSO issue-based coalitions’ performance in Ukraine before the full-scale war with Russia and during the wartime to explore impact and patterns of cooperation within Ukraine’s civil society sector.

Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Tarasenko Svitlana has her PhD in Economics from Sumy State University, Ukraine. During her studies, she recieved the distinction of Innovative Intellect of Ukraine. In addtion to working at Sumy State, she also severs as Associate Professor at the University of Social Sciences in Lodz, Poland. She has received funding to pursue research on “Directions of Artificial Intelligence Implementation at Economy of Poland and Ukraine: to build back better.” Her academic interests include industrial policy, innovations, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, international business. While at IERES, she will conduct research on a project titled: “Innovation Triggers and Industry Policy,” which will focus on artificial intelligence.

Dr. Maksym Yakovlyev – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Maksym Yakovlyev is Head of the Department of International Relations and Director of the School for Policy Analysis at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. In 2021 he was elected to the Public Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. He studies discourse analysis and interrelations between language and politics in international relations, post-socialist social and cultural transformations, political concepts and ideologies, Ukrainian identity, the region of Donetsk, (post)modern Russian imperialism, populism, conspiracy theories and conspiracists’ worldview. After the military invasion of Ukraine, Dr. Yakovlyev decided to stay in Kyiv. As an IERES Fellow, he will pursue a research project titled “Challenging the Weltbild of International World Order: Impact of Russian-Ukrainian War on the Discourses of International Relations and Security.”

Dr. Oksana Zamora – Non-Resident Fellow, 2022 – 2023
Dr. Zamora is an Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations of Sumy State University (Ukraine). She combines her experience in project design and management in both academic and non-governmental sectors. Dr. Zamora pursued her postgraduate education in “management of projects funded by the EU within the financial perspective 2014-2020″ at Lodz University of Computer Science and Art (Poland). She has participated in more than 30 training programs from Erasmus+, Youth in Action, FAP (USA), British Council, and EBRD. She serves as an education trainer and HEIs international development coach, and has contributed to the development of the Concept of the Future University of Ukraine by the Ukrainian Institute of Future, working on internationalization. Her research interests include cross border cooperation, international economic affairs, grant-funded project design, digitally enhanced learning, and non-formal methods of education. At IERES, she will research “Digitally Enhanced Learning during the Wartime: Challenges and Lessons.”

Other Former Fellows
Dr. Oksana Nesterenko - Non-Resident Fellow, April 2022 - September 2022
Dr. Nesterenko is a Ukrainian legal expert and anti-corruption activist. She is an Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the Executive Director of the Anti-corruption Research & Education Center at CSO. Dr. Nesterenko is a former Fulbright-Kennan Institute Research Scholar. As a scholar, lecturer and legal advisor, Dr. Nesterenko focuses on constitutional law and anti-corruption public policy, in particular the role of civil society in fighting corruption, freedom of information, and whistleblower protection. She has authored 70 publications, and has conducted numerous projects to increase transparency and accountability in the Ukrainian government. Dr. Nesterenko participated in drafting the Law of Ukraine “On Corruption Prevention,” “On Corruption Whistleblowers”, and “On Access to Public Information,” and is currently drafting Law on access to secret information. Dr. Nesterenko is a Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and a member of CSO “Transparency International of Ukraine”. During her stay at IERES, Dr. Nesterenko will conduct a research project titled Whistleblowing in time of war: the Ukraine case study.
Dr. Lyudmyla Pavlyuk - Non-Resident Fellow, April 2022 - September 2022
Dr. Pavlyuk is an Associate Professor of Journalism at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, Ukraine. Her research focuses on war narratives through Ukrainians’ personal stories and on political analysis of rhetoric in historical and cross-cultural analogies. Dr. Pavlyuk teaches courses on Digital Mediaculture, Mediaphilosophy, and Methodology of Scholarly Research. She has published several books including Sign, Symbol, and Myth in Mass Communication (2006), Rhetoric
Olena Nikolayenko - Petrach Fellow, May 2022 - June 2022
Volodymyr Kulikov - Petrach Fellow, March 2022 - April 2022
Dr. Kulikov is a business historian, visiting professor, and project manager at Central European University. Besides CEU, he teaches at Karazin Kharkiv National University and The Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. He specializes in corporate heritage and the business history of Eastern Europe. His main publications are on the history of enterprises, big business, and industrialization in the Russian Empire and Ukraine. His book on company towns in Ukraine published in 2019 presents these settlements as a space of conflicting interests of businesses, workers, the state, and other stakeholders. Dr. Kulikov is currently working on a project looking at the past as a resource for business organizations. He also contributes to projects exploring the transformative power of heritage for sustainable cities and communities in East-Central Europe. You can explore more of his work here, and check out his recent article about corporate behavior in the midst of Russia’s war on Ukraine: #BUSINESS: “Stand on the Right side of History” – Enterprises and Society in the Russia-Ukraine War. During his stay at IERES, Dr. Kulikov conducted a research project called Uses of the Past by Enterprises in Ukraine.
Uliana Movchan - Petrach Fellow, November 2021 - April 2022
Uliana Movchan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and an expert at the European Expert Association (Kyiv). Her research interests concern the issues of institutional design, peace-building, Ukrainian political system, patronal politics, and power-sharing. She was a Fulbright visiting postgraduate student at the University of California, San Diego and held junior visiting fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) and at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto (funded by Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies). During her stay at the IERES Uliana Movchan worked on a project titled “Power-sharing in the Ukrainian Neopatrimonial State,” which explored types of power-sharing and their possible application to the Ukrainian political system. During her stay at IERES, Dr. Movchan conducted a research project called Power-sharing in the Ukrainian Neopatrimonial State: Coexistence or Incompatibility?
Petro Burkovskyi - Non-Resident Fellow, May - October 2022
Mr. Burkovskyi is a Democratic Initiatives Foundation Senior Fellow, supervising analytical activities since 2017. Before joining DIF, he worked for 14 years in the National Institute for Strategic Studies as Head of the Center for Advanced Russian Studies (2018-2020), Head of Political System Development (2016-2019), Deputy Head of Analysis and Information (2010-2016), and chief consultant. In 2005-2006, Mr. Burkovskyi worked as chief consultant in the Chief Analytical Service of the Secretariat of President of Ukraine. He is a cadre civil servant (2005-2018). Mr. Burkovskyi has an MA in Political Science (National Univeristy Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2004). He is alumnus of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (2007). In 2014 participated in High Level Expert Program at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. In 2015 completed Defence Management Course at the Cranfield University, UK Defence Academy. His research focuses on public opinion in Ukraine, Ukrainian foreign/security policy, and Russian domestic and foreign policy. As an IERES fellow, Mr. Burkovskyi will conduct policy and security analysis in the context of Russia’s war in Ukraine with the Democratic Initiatives Foundation.

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