(PONARS Eurasia Fridays) Online Event: State Responses to COVID-19 in Eurasia: What Have We Learned? Featuring:
“Securitization of COVID-19 and Security of Authoritarian Regimes: A Case Study of Central Asia” by Mariya Omelicheva (National War College, National Defense University) and Lawrence Markowitz (Rowan University)
“State Capacity and Political Culture as Parameters for the Analysis of Quality of Governance in the Times of COVID-19: Comparative Analysis of National Models” by Yulia Nikitina (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
“COVID-19 in the Arctic” by Robert Orttung (George Washington University)
“Law-Making in Times of Plague: How Russia Adopted New Restrictive Legislation During the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Ekaterina Schulmann (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences)