The university seminar on “Europe Since Covid” cordially invites you to an online panel discussion about the international impact of the Black Lives Matter movement and the George Floyd protests in the USA. In June 2020, in the middle of the Covid pandemic, Europeans held numerous demonstrations in solidarity with people of color and protested police discrimination in their respective countries. This panel of experts will discuss race relations and activism to oppose state violence against minorities in France, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Sinan Çankaya is assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration and Political Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A writer and cultural anthropologist, he earned a Ph.D. on processes of in- and exclusion of ethnic minority police officers, and went on to research racial profiling. Previously, his journalistic writings were published each month at De Correspondent. His main research topics are racial profiling, race, racialization, diversity policies, and in/exclusion within organizations. He recently published a non-fiction book, My Innumerable Identities.
Noa K. Ha is acting scientific director at Deutsches Zentrum für Migrations- und Integrationsforschung (DeZIM). Previously, she taught and researched at TU Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, and TU Dresden on such topics as postcolonial urbanism; memory politics and public space; and critical race, migration and integration studies. She is a founding member of the Critical Race, Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies Association, and is active in such migrant and decolonial civil society organizations as Migrationsrat Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., korientation e.V. (an Asian German network), and Critical Ethnic Studies Association (CESA). She is co-editor of Street Vending in the Neoliberal City: A Global Perspective on the Practices and Policies of a Marginalized Economy (Berghahn, 2015).
Sarah Mazouz is a tenured researcher at the CNRS (CERAPS). She holds a PhD in Sociology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2010), was a Marie Curie Fellow at the Humboldt University in Berlin, and a postdoctoral fellow in the ERC research program MORALS – Towards a Critical Moral Anthropology. She is the author of La République et ses autres: Politiques de l’altérité dans la France des années 2000 (Lyon, ENS Éditions 2000) and Race (Anamos, 2020); co-author of Juger, réprimer, accompagner: Essai sur la morale de l’Etat (Seuil, 2013) and of At the Heart of State. The Moral World of Institutions (Pluto, 2015); and co-editor of Entre accueil et rejet: Ce que les villes font aux migrants (Le Passager clandestine, 2018).
Ojeaku Nwabuzo is Senior Research Officer at the European Network Against Racism where she is responsible for coordinating ENAR’s research and policy analysis, including yearly Shadow Reports on Racism in Europe. In recent years she has focused on policing and the criminal justice system. She is also a PhD candidate at VUB, where her doctoral research focuses on anti-racism advocacy and anti-discrimination policies in Europe. She previously worked as a research and policy analyst at Runnymede, a race equality think tank in the UK, where she supported a Deaths in Custody and mental health research project.
Hilary Silver is Professor of Sociology, International Affairs, and Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University.