Job Opening – Project Assistant for European Union Center of Excellence

The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) is looking to recruit a Project Assistant to support research and events as part of a European Union Center of Excellence grant (CoE) recently awarded to IERES. Building upon previous EU-funded project, IERES’s CoE will:
(1) Network with other EU CoE recipients nationwide and globally;
(2) Organize conferences and other events featuring high-profile EU guests;
(3) Coordinate and highlight EU-related research across the Elliott School and other GW schools;
(4) Convene workshops, conduct fact-finding projects, and undertake fundamental research on subnational transatlantic governance and diplomacy.

The latter strand of work will comprise:
(4.1) the organization of 2-3 online roundtable workshops per academic year, convening experts and practitioners under Chatham House rules;
(4.2) the launch of a new ESIA executive course on subnational governance;
(4.3) convening events on subnational governance on the margins of the yearly UN General Assembly in New York City;
(4.4) developing a database that will summarize the climate-related agendas of selected subnational governments in Europe and North America;
(4.5) fundamental research on subnational governance, diplomacy and multilateralism, including the production of case-studies on best practices;
(4.6) pursuing opportunities to publish project-related deliverables such as podcasts, edited multi-author books, monographs, policy memoranda and factsheets.

The Project Assistant will:
– Offer general program support, reporting to the CoE Director (Prof. Erwan Lagadec)
– Lead the development of the project’s database (item #4.4. above), on the basis of a template developed by previous project assistants
– Help to coordinate outreach with project participants
– Provide logistical support for online and in-person events
– Keep minutes of all events
– Provide general research support
– Develop monitoring & evaluation tools, collect/analyze M&E data
– Contribute IT expertise to produce and disseminate web-based contents related to the project; ensuring project visibility on GWU, ESIA, IERES, key project partners, and other social media.

General familiarity with topics such as transatlantic relations, climate policy, and subnational governance/diplomacy is a plus, but is not required.

The Project Assistant will be expected to devote up to 100 hours per academic year to the project, over 1 to 3 academic years. The pay rate is $16.10/hour.

Interested students should submit applications in the GW Student Employment portal here by March 16th.

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