Late Soviet Central Asia: Colonialism vs Nationalism (Позднесоветская Центральная Азия: колониальность и национализм)

This event will be held in Russian with questions in English.
Мероприятие пройдет на русском, с вопросами на русском и английском языках.

Как колониальное и национальное проявляется и сосуществует в нарративах таджикской интеллигенции, казахской оперы и туркменских коврах? Эти вопросы обсуждаются на семинаре с участием Артемия Калиновского, Нари Шелекпаева и Снежаны Атановой. Модераторы дискуссии: Марлен Ларуэль и Сергей Абашин.

How does colonialism and nationalism coexist and are expressed in the narratives of Tajik intelligentsia, Kazakh opera and Turkmen carpets? These questions are discussed at a seminar with Artemy Kalinovsky, Nari Shelekpaev and Snezhana Atanova. Moderators of the discussion: Marlene Laruelle and Sergey Abashin.

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Артемий Калиновский: Призывники социализма: таджикская интеллигенция и деколонизация по-советски/Artemy Kalinovsky: Conscripts of Socialism? The Tajik Intelligentsia and Soviet-Style Decolonization

Dr. Artemy Kalinovsky, Senior Lecturer of East European Studies, University of Amsterdam. Dr Kalinovsky latest book, Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan, focused on the politics and practices of development in Soviet Central Asia and places the Soviet experiment in a global context. Artemy has a PhD and an MA from the LSE in International History and a BA from the George Washington University.

Нари Шелекпаев: Заимствованные традиции, завуалированные связи и карго-культы: опера и столичные города (на примере Алматы и Астаны)/ Nari Shelekpaev: Borrowed Traditions, Veiled Connections, and Cargo Cults: Opera and Capital Cities (case studies of Almaty & Astana)

Dr. Nari Shelekpaev, Associate Professor, Department of History, European University at St. Petersburg. Dr Shelekpayev specializes in the intellectual history, comparative history of empires in the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as Soviet and post-Soviet history. Nari has taught at Université de Montréal (2016), Università di Roma La Sapienza (2018), and Eurasian University in Astana (2015-2016).

Снежана Атанова: Туркменские ковры по обе стороны советской границы в 1980-1990: военный сторителлинг и национальные нарративы /Snezhana Atanova: Turkmen carpets on both sides of the Soviet border in 1980-1990: military storytelling and national narratives.

Snezhana Atanova is a Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and a PhD candidate at INALCO (Paris). Her thesis focuses on nationalism and material culture of Central Asia. Snezhana is awarded a fellowship of the European University at St. Petersburg program 2020-2021 for regional researchers. She earned a MA in International Communication from the University of Strasbourg in 2012 and a MA from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in 2015.


Marlene Laruelle Director, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies; Director, Central Asia Program; Co-Director, PONARS-Eurasia; Research Professor of International Affairs.

Sergey Abashin, Professor, Department of Anthropology at the European University at St. Petersburg