The 2024 European Elections: How Far Right? With Cas Mudde

The European elections of June 2024 are expected to deliver a “sharp right turn”, but how far right will the new Europe be? And what will this right turn mean for EU future politics? Join us for a presentation by Cas Mudde on the upcoming European Union parliamentary elections and what we can expect to see.


Cas Mudde is Stanley Wade Shelton UGAF Professor of International Affairs and a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Georgia. His work primarily focuses on how liberal democracies defend themselves against extremist challenges without undermining their own core values. He has written extensively on extremism and democracy, particularly on populist radical right parties. He is the author of Populism: A Very Short Introduction (with Cristóbal Rivera Kaltwasser), The Far Right Today, and The Populist Radical Right: A Reader among others.


Maria Snegovaya (PhD, Columbia University) is a Postdoctoral Fellow at CERES, a Senior Fellow with the Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and a Fellow at the Illiberalism Studies Program at George Washington University. The key focus of her research is democratic backsliding and re-autocratization in postcommunist Europe and the tactics used by Russian actors and proxies who circulate disinformation to exploit these dynamics in the region. Throughout her career, she has collaborated with multiple U.S. research centers and think tanks.