Bochsler, D, Green, E, Jenne, E, Mylonas, H, Wimmer, A. “Exchange on the quantitative measurement of ethnic and national identity.” Nations and Nationalism. 2021; 1– 19.
Sebastien Peyrouse. 2017. “The Evolution of Russia’s Views on the Belt and Road Initiative,” Asia Policy, No. 24: 96-102
Sebastien Peyrouse. 2017. “Armament Strategies and Development of the Kazakhstani Military-Industrial Complex: Stakes and Prospects”, Central Asia Program,” Working Paper, CAP Papers 185, 29p.
Harris Mylonas and Nadav Shelef. 2017. “Methodological Challenges in the Study of Stateless Nationalist Territorial Claims,” Territory, Politics, Governance, Volume 5, Issue 2: 145- 157.
Keith Darden and Harris Mylonas. 2016. “Threats to Territorial Integrity, National Mass Schooling, and Linguistic Commonality,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 49, No. 11: 1446-1479.
Henry E. Hale, “Twenty-Five Years after the USSR: What’s Gone Wrong?” Journal of Democracy, v.27, no.3, July 2016, pp.24-35.
Mylonas, Harris. [Review of the book Enlightenment and Revolution:The Making of
Modern Greece by Paschalis M. Kitromilides]. Nations and Nationalism, Volume 22, Issue 3: 598-600.
Mylonas, Harris. “The Politics of Nation-Building Revisited: A Response to Fabbe, Kocher, and Köksal.” Nationalities Papers Volume 14 (2016): 496-502. Print and online.
Mylonas, Harris. “Never Alone/Find the Way” in James Faubion, Eugenia Georges and Gonda Van Steen (eds.). Greece is Burning. Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology website, April 21, 2016.
Mylonas, Harris and Keith Darden. “Threats to Territorial Integrity, National Mass Schooling, and Linguistic Commonality.” Comparative Political Studies. Sage. (2015).
Marlene Laruelle, “Russia as an Anti-Liberal European Civilization,” in Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud, eds., The New Russian Nationalism: Between Imperial and Ethnic (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016), pp. 275-297
Laruelle, Marlene. “The European Union in A Reconnecting Eurasia.” Center for Strategic and International Studies. Foreign Economic and Security Interests. (2016).
Laruelle, Marlene. “Between Islamism, Occult Fascism and Eurasianism.” In Russian Geopolitics in the Age of New Media. Ed. Mark Bassin Ed. Michael Suslov. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. Print.
Henry E. Hale, “How Nationalism and Machine Politics Mix in Russia,” in Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud, eds., The New Russian Nationalism, 2000-2015: Imperialism, Ethnicity, Authoritarianism (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016), pp.221-248.
Mikhail Alexseev and Henry E. Hale, “Rallying ‘Round the Leader More than the Flag: Changes in Russian Nationalist Public Opinion 2013-14,” in Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud, eds., The New Russian Nationalism: Between Imperial and Ethnic (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016), pp.192-220.
Sebastien Peyrouse. “China and Central Asia,” in Fingar T., The New Great Game: China and South and Central Asia in the Era of Reform (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016): 216-239.
Sebastien Peyrouse. “Political and Economic Pragmatism: Turkmenistan and Afghanistan since 1991,” in Saikal A., Nourzhanov K., Afghanistan and its Neighbors after the NATO Withdrawal (Lanham: Lexington, 2016), p. 111-127.
Rollberg, Peter. “Revenge of the Cameramen: Soviet Cinematographers in the Director’s Chair.” A Companion to Russian Cinema. Ed. Birgit Beumers. Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. Print. 364-88.
Alexseev, Mikhail, and Henry E. Hale. “A New Wave of Russian Nationalism? What Really Changed in Public Opinion after Crimea.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo no.362. May 2015.
O.A., Anisimov, and Streletskiy D.A. “Geocryological Hazards of Thawing Permafrost.” Arctica XXI Century 2(3), 60-74 (in Russian) Web. 2015.
Biskaborn, B. K., Lanckman, J.-P., Lantuit, H., Elger, K., Streletskiy, D. A., Cable, W. L., and Romanovsky, V. E. 2015. “The new database of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P).” Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 7, 1–15; doi:10.5194/essd-7-1-2015. Web.
Cottiero, Christina, Katherine Kucharsky, Evgenia Olimpieva and Robert W. Orttung, “War of Words: The Impact of Russian State Television on the Russian Internet.” Nationalities Papers, 43:4, 2015: 533-555.
Darden, Keith, and Harris Mylonas. “Threats to Territorial Integrity, National Mass Schooling, and Linguistic Commonality.” Comparative Politics Studies. Studies-2015-Darden-Mylonas.pdf
Engel, L. C. & M. Frizzell. “Competitive comparison and PISA bragging rights: Sub-national uses of the OECD’s PISA in Canada and the US.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 2015.
Engel, L. C. “Steering the national: Exploring the education policy uses of PISA in Spain.” European Education, 47(2), 100-116. 2015.
Harrison, Hope M. “United Germany at 25: Progress, Pitfalls and a Lingering Legacy of Division.” American Institute on Contemporary German Studies, Advisor Newsletter, Sept. 29, 2015.
Hale, Henry E. “Should the US Cooperate with Russia on Syria and ISIS?” Web. October 6, 2015.
Hale, Henry E., Nadiya Kravets, and Olga Onuch, “Can Federalism Unite Ukraine in a Peace Deal?” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo no.379, August 2015,
Havrylyshyn, Oleh. “A Quarter Century of Economic Reform in Ukraine: Too Late, Too Little, Too Slow.” Center For Social and Economic Research.
Havrylyshyn, Oleh. “Ukraine: Greatest Hopes, Greatest Disappointments TRANSITION IN PERSPECTIVE.” 1 June 2015. Web.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. “From ‘Divide and Rule’ to NationBuilding,” Newsletter of the European Politics & Society Section of the American Political Science Association, (Summer): 1719.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. “De Facto States Unbound,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo 374 (with Ariel Ahram).
Harris Mylonas. 2015. Review of Dan Lainer-Vos. 2013. Sinews of the Nation: Constructing Irish and Zionist bonds in the United States. Cambridge: Polity Press. In Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 21, Issue 2: 264-266.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. Review of Adria Lawrence. 2013. Imperial Rule and the Politics of Nationalism: Anti-Colonial Protest in the French Empire. New York: Cambridge University Press. In H-Diplo and the International Security Studies Forum Roundtable, Volume VII, No. 18.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. Review of Kostis Kornetis. Children of the Dictatorship: Student Resistance, Cultural Politics and the “Long 1960s” in Greece. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 2013. In American Historical Review, 120 (4): 1563-1565.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. “Greece,” European Journal of Political Research,Political Data Yearbook, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp. 125–132.
Henry Hale, “Nationalizm i tsinizm v politike: est’ li protivorechie?,” Kontrapunkt, v.1, no.2, December 2015,
Welt, Cory. “The Curious Case of Rustavi-2: Protecting Media Freedom and the Rule of Law in Georgia,” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 400. November 2015.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. Review of Onur Yıldırım. 2012. Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the Turco-Greek Exchange of Populations, 1922-1934. New York and London: Routledge. In Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3: 268-270.
Mylonas, Harris. “Europe: Early Modern and Modern.” American Historical Review.
Mylonas, Harris. “Greece Just Called New Elections. Here’s the Background You Need to Understand Them.” Washington Post’s Monkey Cage Blog. 20 Aug. 2015.
Sebastien Peyrouse, “Perspectives and Limits on Sino-US Competition: The Kazakhstan Case Study”, in David Zweig and Yufan Hao (eds.), Sino-US Energy Triangles. Resource Diplomacy Under Hegemony, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 169-184.
Harris Mylonas, “Methodological Problems in the Study of Nation-Building: Behaviorism and Historicist Solutions in Political Science,” Social Science Quarterly, Volume 96, Issue 3: 740–758.
Marlene Laruelle, “Factoring the Foreign Policy Goals of the Central Asian States,” in David Denoon, ed., China, the United States and the Future of Central Asia (New York: New York University Press, 2015), 75-98.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Is Kazakhstan’s ‘dialogue of Civilizations’ All about Image, or Doing Some Real Good?” Washington Post’s Monkey Cage Blog. The Washington Post, 27 June 2015. Web.
Harris Mylonas, “The Agreement That Could Break Europe: Euroskeptics, Eurocritics, and Life After the Bailout,” Foreign Affairs, July 14, 2015.
Samuel Charap and Cory Welt, “Making Sense of Russian Foreign Policy: Guest Editors’ Introduction,” Problems of Post-Communism 62, no. 2 (2015): 67-70.
Alexander Reisenbichler, “The Domestic Sources and Power Dynamics of Regulatory Networks: Evidence from the Financial Stability Forum.” Review of International Political Economy (2015).
Marlene Laruelle. “Russia as a ‘Divided Nation,’ from Compatriots to Crimea: A Contribution to the Discussion on Nationalism and Foreign Policy,” Problems of Post-Communism 62, no. 2 (2015): 88-97/
Alexander Reisenbichler and Kimberly J. Morgan. “The German Labor Market: No Longer the Sick Man of Europe,” in: Brigitte Unger (ed.), The German Model: Seen By Its Neighbors, London: Social Europe Publishing, 2015.
Harris Mylonas. 2015. “Greece,” European Journal of Political Research, PoliticalData Yearbook, Vol. 53, Issue 1, pp. 140–147.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Negotiating Social Activism. National Minorities Associations in Kazakhstan, or the Other Face of ‘Civil Society’,” in Charles E. Ziegler, ed., Civil Society and Politics in Central Asia (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2015), 111-133.
Michelle Kelso, Donna Betts, Jordan Potash, and Jessica J. Luke. “An Art Therapy Study of Visitor Reactions to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Experience,” Museum Management and Curatorship. 30:1, 2015, 21-43.
Marlene Laruelle. “Patriotic Youth Clubs in Russia. Professional Niches, Cultural Capital and Narratives of Social Engagement,” Europe-Asia Studies 67, no. 1, 2015, 8-27.
Robert Orttung and Christopher Walker. “Putin’s Frozen Conflicts,” Foreign Policy, February 13, 2015.
Robert W. Orttung, Christina Cottiero, Katherine Kucharski, and Evgenia Olimpieva. “War of words: the impact of Russian state television on the Russian Internet,” Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, March 2015.
Peter Rollberg. “Giorgi Shengelaia’s Pirosmani in National and Cinematic Context,” Discovering Georgian Cinema, Pacific Film Archive/UC Berkeley, 2015, 20-23
Norwood, Frances. “End-of-Life Choices in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition.” Elsevier Limited. Oxford, UK. 2015.
Orttung, Robert. “Russia: Nations in Transit 2015.” Freedom House. 2015.
Orttung, Robert. “Tailor-Made Propaganda, Direct from Russia.” Resurgent Dictatorship: The Global Assault on Democracy. 1 Dec. 2015.
Orttung, Robert. “Why Autocrats Love FIFA.” The Moscow Times, 7 June 2015.
Orttung, Robert. “Why Has Putin Spared Ekho Moskvy?” The Moscow Times, 9 Aug. 2015.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Examining Kazakhstan’s Religious Contradiction.” Eurasianet. 12 Nov. 2015.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “How to Deal with Growing Religious and Social Pressure: a Central Asian Governments’ Response to the Charlie Hebdo Attacks” (in Russian). Central Asian Analytic Network, 26 Aug. 2015. Web.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Turkmenistan Between East and West: An Interview with Sebastien Peyrouse.” Steppe Dispatches. 25 Sept. 2015.
Peyrouse, Sebtastien, and Gael Raballand. “Central Asia: The New Silk Road Initiative’s Questionable Economic Rationality.” Eurasian Geography and Economic, 19 Nov. 2015.
Rollberg, Peter. “Small Screen Nation-Building: Astana – My Love” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Demokratization, vol. 23 (Summer 2015) n. 3, pp. 341-358.
Rollberg, Peter (ed.). “Soviet Science Fiction.” In Directory of World Cinema: Russia 2, Intellect/University of Chicago Press, 2015, pp. 127-152
Romanovsky, V.E., S. L. Smith, H. H. Christiansen, N. I. Shiklomanov, D. A. Streletskiy, D. S. Drozdov, G. V. Malkova, N. G. Oberman, A. L. Kholodov, and S. S. Marchenko. 2015. Terrestrial Permafrost [in “State of the Climate in 2014”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96 (7), S139-S141
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Streletskiy, D., N. Tananaev, T. Opel, N. Shiklomanov, K. Nyland, I. Streletskaya, I. Tokarev, A. Shiklomanov. “Permafrost Hydrology in Changing Climatic Conditions: Seasonal Variability of Stable Isotope Composition in Rivers in Discontinuous Permafrost.” Environmental Research Letters 10(9):095003; DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/095003. 2015.
Sorel, Eliot. “Total Health for All in the 21st Century: Integrating Primary Care, Mental Health, and Public Health.” 10 Oct. 2015.
Peter Rollberg. “Mastermind, Terrorist, Enigma: Dostoevsky’s Nikolai Stavrogin.” Perspectives on Political Science, vol. 43, issue 3, 2014, 143-152.
Robert Orttung and Elizabeth Nelson. “Russia’s Foreign Propaganda Curbed by Recession,” The Moscow Times, February 4, 2014
Marlene Laruelle. “Resource, state reassertion and international recognition: locating the drivers of Russia’s Arctic policy,” The Polar Journal 4, no. 2, 2014, 253-270.
Marlene Laruelle. “The Three Discursive Paradigms of State Identity in Kazakhstan. Kazakhness, Kazakhstanness and Transnationalism,” in Mariya Omelicheva, ed., Nationalism and Identity Construction in Central Asia. Dimensions, Dynamics and Directions, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014, 1-20.
Michelle Kelso and Daina Eglitis. “Holocaust Commemoration in Romania: Contested Space, Contested Memory,” Journal of Genocide Research, 16:4, 2014, 487- 511.
Laura C. Engel and Hans de Wit. “Building and deepening a comprehensive strategy to internationalise Romanian higher education” in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and national challenges/priorities, J. Salmi, E. Egron-Polak, R. Pricopie, A. Curaj, and L. Deca (eds), New York: Springer, 2014.
Laura C. Engel and Matthew Frizzell. “Competitive comparison and PISA bragging rights: Sub-national uses of the OECD’s PISA in Canada and the US,” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 2015.
Laura C. Engel and David Rutkowski. “Global influences on national definitions of quality education: Examples from Spain and Italy,” Policy Futures in Education, 12(6), 2014, 769-783.
Engel, L. C. “Citizenship education and national (re)formations: Reflections from Spain.” Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. 2014.
Rutkowski, D., Rutkowski, L. & Engel, L.C. “Inclusive schooling: Fostering citizenship among immigrant students in Europe.” Intercultural Education. Vol. 25, No. 5. 2014.
Engel, L. C. & Rutkowski, D. “Global influences on national definitions of quality education: Examples from Spain and Italy.” Policy Futures in Education. 2014.
Engel, Laura C., Leslie Rutkowski, and David Rutkowski. “Global Mobility and Rising Inequality: A Cross-National Study of Immigration, Poverty, and Social Cohesion.” Peabody Journal of Education. Vol. 89, No. 1. 2014. Pp. 123-140.
Hale, Henry E. “Civilizations Reframed: Towards a Theoretical Upgrade for a Stalled Paradigm.” Journal of Civilization Studies. Vol.1, No.1. Jan. 2014. Pp. 21-39.
Hale, Henry E. and Timothy Colton. “Putin’s Uneasy Return and Hybrid Regime Stability The 2012 Russian Election Studies Survey.” Problems of Post-Communism. Vol. 61, No. 2. Mar.-Apr. 2014. Pp. 3-22.
Harris Mylonas and Nadav G. Shelef. 2014. “Which Land Is Our Land? Domestic Politics and Change in the Territorial Claims of Stateless Nationalist Movements,” Security Studies, Volume 23, Issue 4: 754-786.
Harrison, Hope M. “Berlin and the Cold War Struggle over Germany.” In The Routledge Handbook of the Cold War. Artemy Kalinovsky and Craig Daigle, eds. Oxford, England: Routledge, 2014. Pp. 56-72.
Harrison, Hope M. “The Berlin Wall: Looking Back on the History of the Wall Twenty Years after its Fall.” In Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989. Mark Kramer and Vit Smetana, eds. The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series with Lexington Books, 2014.
Hershberg, James G. “The End of the Cold War and the Transformation of Cold War History: A Tale of Two Conferences, 1988–1989.” In Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989. Mark Kramer and Vit Smetana, eds. The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series with Lexington Books, 2014.
Kastner, Lisa. “‘Much Ado About Nothing?’ Transnational Civil Society, Consumer Protection and Financial Regulatory Reform.” Review of International Political Economy. 28 Jan. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Alexei Navalny and Challenges in Reconciling ‘Nationalism’ and ‘Liberalism‘.” Post-Soviet Affairs. Jan. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene. “The ‘Russian Idea’ on the Small Screen: Staging National Identity on Russia’s TV.” Demokratizatisiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 22, No. 2. Spring 2014. Pp. 313-333.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Assessing Uzbekistan’s and Tajikistan’s Afghan Policy: The Impact of Domestic Drivers.” Central Asian Affairs. No. 1. 2014. Pp. 108-132.
Mylonas, Harris and Enze Han. “Interstate Relations, Perceptions, And Power Balance: Explaining China’s Policies Toward Ethnic Groups, 1949-1965.” Security Studies. Vol. 23, No. 1. Pp. 148-181.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Breaking the News: The Role of State-Run Media.” Journal of Democracy. Vol. 25, No. 1. Jan. 2014. Pp. 71-85.
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Reisenbichler, Alexander. “Safe As Houses: Comparing Housing Finance Policies in the U.S. and Germany.” Transatlantic Perspectives. Johns Hopkins University’s American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS). September 26, 2014
Rollberg, Peter. “Peter the Great, Statism, and Axiological Continuity in Contemporary Russian Television.” Demokratizatisiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 22, No. 2. Spring 2014. Pp. 335-355.
Rossi, Agustin. “Internet Privacy: Who Sets the Global Standard?” The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs. Vol. 49, No. 1. 2014. Pp. 65-80.
Schmidt, A. “Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies Ed. Daniel Chirot, Gi-Wook Shin, and Daniel Sneider.” Michigan War Studies Review. 2014. (Book Review)
Welt, Cory. “A Fateful Moment?: Ethnic Autonomy and Revolutionary Violence in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921).” In The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012: The First Georgian Republic and its Successors. Stephen F. Jones, ed. Routledge, 2014. Pp. 205-231.
White, Stephen, Richard Sakwa, and Henry E. Hale, eds. Developments in Russian Politics 8 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014).
Eglitis, Daina and Vita Zelce. “Unruly Actors: Latvian Women of the Red Army in Post-War Historical Memory.” Nationalities Papers. 2 Oct. 2013.
Engel, Laura C., Alison Kington and Agata Mleczko. “The Influence of Education on Community Cohesion: Adaptation of Policy to Practice.” The Journal of Education Research. 22 Jul. 2013.
Engel, Laura C., Leslie Rutkowski, and David Rutkowski. “Sharp Contrasts at the Boundaries: School Violence and Educational Outcomes Internationally.” Comparative Education Review. 2013.
Hale, Henry E. “Did the Internet Break the Political Machine? Moldova’s 2009 ‘Twitter Revolution That Wasn’t.’” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 21, No. 4, Fall 2013. Pp. 481-506.
Hale, Henry E. “Regime Change Cascades: What We Have Learned from the 1848 Revolutions to the 2011 Arab Uprisings.” Annual Review of Political Science. Vol.16, Jun. 2013. Pp. 331-53.
Hale, Henry E., Nikolay Petrov, and Maria Lipman. “Three Dilemmas of Hybrid Regime Governance: Russia from Putin to Putin.” Post-Soviet Affairs. Sep. 2013.
Hershberg, James G. “Reflections on George F. Kennan: An American Life.” Journal of Cold War Studies. Vol. 15, No. 4. Fall 2013. Pp. 155-160.
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Kuklina, Vera. “The Construction of Homeland among Buriats in Irkutsk.” Sibirica. Vol. 12, No. 2, Summer 2013. Pp. 72-87.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Foreign Policy and Identity in Central Asia.” Pro et Contra. No. 1-2, Jan.-Apr. 2013. [In Russian]
Laruelle, Marlene. “Russia in Afghanistan: Enduring Interests, Domestic Challenges and Regional Strategies.” In The Regional Dimensions to Security: Other Sides of Afghanistan. Aglaya Snetkov and Stephen Aris, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Space as a Destiny: Legitimizing the Russian Empire through Geography and Cosmos.” In Empire De/Centered: New Spatial Histories of Russia and the Soviet Union. S. Turoma and M. Waldstein, eds. Fanham: Ashgate 2013. Pp. 85-101.
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Morgan, Kimberly J. “America’s Misguided Approach to Social Welfare: How the Country Could Get More for Less.” Foreign Affairs. Vol. 92, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2013.
Mylonas, Harris. “Ethnic Return Migration, Selective Incentives, and the Right to Freedom of Movement in Post-Cold War Greece.” In Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People. Willem Maas, ed. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 2013.
Mylonas, Harris. “Greece.” European Journal of Political Research, Political Data Yearbook. Vol. 52, No. 1. Dec. 2013. Pp. 87–95.
Mylonas, Harris. “Revisiting the Link: Politicizing Religion in Democratizing Countries.” Harvard International Review. Vol. 34, Issue 4, Spring 2013. Pp. 48-52.
Norwood, Frances. “A Window into Dutch Life and Death: Euthanasia and End-of-Life in the Public-Private Space of Home.” In Transitions and Transformations: Cultural Perspectives on the Life Course. Caitrin Lynch and Jason Danely, eds. New York: Berghahn Publishers, 2013.
Orttung, Robert and Irina Olimpieva. “Russian Unions as Political Actors.” Problems of Post-Communism. Vol. 60, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 2013. Pp. 3-16.
Orttung, Robert and Sufian Zhemukhov. “The 2014 Sochi Olympics and Russia’s Civil Society.” Euxeinos. Dec. 2013.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “The Fight against Drug Trafficking: Mechanisms of Regional Cooperation and their Limits.” In The Regional Dimensions to Security: Other Sides of Afghanistan. Aglaya Snetkov and Stephen Aris, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “Making Sense of Violence in Civil War: Challenging Academic Narratives through Political Ethnography.” Critical Studies on Security. Vol. 1, No. 2. 2013. Pp. 159-173.
Reisenbichler, Alexander and Kimberly J. Morgan. “How Germany Won the Euro Crisis: And Why Its Gains Could Be Fleeting.” Foreign Affairs. Web. 20 Jun. 2013.
Rollberg, Peter. “The Natural: Goderdzi Chokheli in the 1980s.” In Goderdzi Chokheli-Creative Work without Boundaries. Ketevan Kitovani, Nino Kemertelidze, and Maia Tsiklauri, eds. Tbilisi: Grigol Robakidze University Press. Pp. 37-43.
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Sullivan, Charles J. “Breaking Down the Man of Steel: Stalin in Russia Today.” Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes. Vol. LV, Nos. 3-4. Sep./Dec. 2013. Pp. 449-480.
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Engel, Laura C. “Autonomy in the global era: Euro-regionalism and new policy spaces in education.” In R. Brooks, A. Fuller, & J. Waters, J. (eds.). New spaces of education: The changing nature of learning in the 21st century. London: Routledge, 2012.
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Engel, Laura C. and K. Olden. “One size fits all: Globalization and standardization of US education.” In B. Shaklee & S. Bailey (eds.). Internationalizing Teacher Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012.
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Hale, Henry E. “Two Decades of Post-Soviet Regime Dynamics.” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 71-78.
Hale, Henry E. and Timothy J. Colton. “Why Do Political Systems Become Party Systems? Addressing a Cross-National Puzzle through Subnational Survey Data.” In Russia’s Regions and Comparative Subnational Politics. William Reisinger, ed. New York: Routledge, 2012, pp.63-81.
Harrison, Hope M. “Looking Back on the History of the Berlin Wall Twenty Years after Its Fall.” Soudobe dejiy (Contemporary History). No. 3-4. 2012.
Kavakci, Merve. “Deciphering Kemalist Edifice: Secularism as a New Ideo-Religious Thrust.” Annuaire de Droit et Religion. Sep. 2012.
Kudelia, Serhiy. “Society as an Actor in Post-Soviet State-Building.” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 149-156.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Conspiracy and Alternate History in Russia: A Nationalist Equation for Success?” The Russian Review Vol. 71, No. 4, 2012, pp. 656-580.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Discussing Neopatrimonialism and Patronal Presidentialism in the Central Asian Context.” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 301-324.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Larger, Higher, Farther North…Geographical Metanarratives of the Nation in Russia.” Eurasian Geography and Economics. Vol. 53, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 2012, pp. 557-574.
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Policy Papers
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Laruelle, Marlene and Jos Boonstra. “Uncharted Waters: Presidential Successions in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.” EUCAM Policy Brief No. 33. Apr. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene, Sebastien Peyrouse and Jos Boonstra. “The Impact of the 2014 ISAF Forces’ Withdrawal from Afghanistan on the Central Asian Region.” European Parliament. 2014.
Hale, Henry E. “Afghanistan 2014: Ripe for Revolution?” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 249. Apr. 2013.
Kelso, Michelle, A. Koburger, and M. Sexton. “Diversity Dividends. Advancing Women in Business Leadership.” The George Washington University. Apr. 2013.
Kurilla, Ivan. “Knowledge, Values, or Pragmatism: How to Build Trust in U.S.-Russia Relations.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 262. Jul. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Revisiting Islamism: A Factor for Democratization in Central Asia?” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 298. Sep. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene and Alexander Cooley. “The Changing Logic of Russian Strategy in Central Asia: From Privileged Sphere to Divide and Rule?” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 261. Jul. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene and Jos Boonstra. “EU-US Cooperation in Central Asia: Parallel Lines Meet in Infinity?” EUCAM Working Paper No. 31. Jul. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene, Sebastien Peyrouse, and Vera Axyonova. “The Afghanistan-Central Asia relationship: What role for the EU?” EUCAM Working Papter No. 13. Feb. 2013.
Nilsson, Niklas. “The October 2012 Elections and the Role of Democracy in Georgia’s Foreign Policy.” UI Occasional Paper 15. The Swedish Institute of International Affairs. 13 Feb. 2013.
Orttung, Robert. “Russia.” Nations in Transit 2013. Freedom House. Jun. 2013.
Orttung, Robert. “Sochi 2014: The Political Economy of Russia’s Mega-Projects.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 289. Sep. 2013.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Food Security in Central Asia: A Public Policy Challenge.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 300. Sep. 2013.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “The Insurgency in the North Caucasus: Putting Religious Claims into Context.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 131. 8 Jul. 2013.
Sharafutdinova, Gulnaz. “Shale Fever and the Future of Putin’s Russia.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 271. Jul. 2013.
Sullivan, Charles. “Missing the Soviet Motherland: Nostalgia for the USSR in Russia Today.” Center on Global Interests Rising Experts Task Force Working Paper. 20 Mar. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “What the Snowden Affair Says About U.S.-Russian Relations.” Center for American Progress. 17 Jul. 2013.
Welt, Cory and Henry R. Nau. “How Russia Sees the World: Domestic Foreign Policy Debates.” Policy Report. May 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Managing the Threat of an Olympics Boycott: International Pressure and Russia’s Response.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo No. 290. Sep. 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Nationalism and Islam in Russia’s North Caucasus.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 131. 8 Jul. 2013.
Hale, Henry E. “Trends in Russian Views on Democracy 2008-12: Has There Been a Russian Democratic Awakening?” Russian Analytical Digest. No.117. 19 Sep. 2012, pp.9-14.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Factoring the Regional Impact of Uzbekistan’s Withdrawal from the CSTO.” Wider Europe. The German Marshall Fund. Aug. 2012.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Iran’s Regional Quagmire.” FRIDE Policy Brief. 27 Sep. 2012.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Israel and Central Asia: Opportunities and Limits for Partnership in a Post-Arab Spring World.” Wider Europe. The German Marshall Fund. Jul. 2012.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Russia ‘is a Delicate Matter’? The View from Central Asia of Putin’s Commitment to the Region.” Wider Europe. The German Marshall Fund. May 2012.
Laruelle, Marlene. “When the ‘Near Abroad’ Looks at Russia: the Eurasian Union Project as Seen from the Southern Republics.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 112. 20 Apr. 2012, pp. 8-11.
Laruelle, Marlene and Sebastien Peyrouse. “Regional Organisations in Central Asia: Patterns of Interaction, Dilemmas of Efficiency.” University of Central Asia Graduate School of Development, Institute of Public Policy and Administration Working Paper No. 10. 2012.
Laruelle, Marlene, Sebastien Peyrouse, and Jos Boonstra. “Security and Development Approaches to Central Asia: The EU Compared to China and Russia.” EUCAM Working Paper No. 11. May 2012.
Mylonas, Harris. “The Future of Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans.” In Bridging Divides in Eastern Europe. PONARS Eurasia policy memo. 2012. Pp. 45-49.
Nilsson, Niklas. “Georgia’s Parliamentary Elections: Another Litmus Test of Democratic Progress.” Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst. Vol. 14, No. 17. Sep. 2012.
Nilsson, Niklas. “International Implications of Georgia’s Parliamentary Elections.” Caucasus Analytical Digest. No. 43. 15 Oct. 2012.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Battle on Top of the World: Rising Tensions in Tajikistan’s Pamir Region.” Wider Europe. German Marshall Fund of the United States. Aug. 2012.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Central Asia’s Long-Term Questions Remain Unanswered After the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit.” Wider Europe.Jul. 2012.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Europe’s Involvement in East Asian Security: How to Engage China.” FRIDE Policy Brief. 5 Sep. 2012.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “France and Central Asia.” EUCAM National Series Policy Brief No. 9. Nov. 2012.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Rare Earth Metals in Central Asia and Mongolia: A Promising but Paradoxical Agenda.” Central Asia Economic Paper. Central Asia Program. No. 1. Aug. 2012
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “The United Arab Emirates as an Alternative Trade and Investment Partner in Central Asia.” Central Asia Economic Paper. Central Asia Program. No. 5. Nov. 2012
Roberts, Sean. “Imaginary Terrorism? The Global War on Terror and the Narrative of Uyghur Terrorist Threat.” PONARS Eurasia Working Paper. Mar. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “Can Georgia Become a Multiparty Democracy?” Caucasus Analytical Digest. No.43. 15 Oct. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “Can the U.S.-Russia ‘Reset’ Survive Russia’s Presidential Election?” Center for American Progress. 1 Mar. 2012.
Welt, Cory. Testimony, Briefing on “Democratization in the Caucasus: Elections in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.” Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission). 23 May 2012.
Welt, Cory. Testimony, Briefing on “Human Rights in Georgia.” Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. 11 Sep. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “Don’t Shy Away From Progress on the Russia-Georgia Conflict.” Center for American Progress. 6 Feb. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “Russia, Trade, and Human Rights: Thinking Through U.S. Policies.” Center for American Progress. 30 Apr. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “5 Things You Need To Know About Georgian Parliamentary Elections.” Center for American Progress. 27 Sep. 2012.
Hale, Henry E.”The Putin Machine Sputters: First Impressions of the 2011 Duma Election Campaign.” Russian Analytical Digest. 21 Dec. 2011.
Kupatadze, Alexander. “Similar Events, Different Outcomes: Accounting for Diverging Corruption Patterns in Post-Revolution Georgia and Ukraine.” Caucasus Analytical Digest. No. 26. Apr. 2011.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Central Asian Islamism in the Spotlight” EUCAM Commentary. No. 13. Jun. 2011.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Involving Central Asia in Afghanistan’s Future–What Can Europe Do?” EUCAM Policy Brief No. 20. Aug. 2011.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Russia’s Strategies in Afghanistan and their Consequences for NATO.” NATO Defense College Research Paper. Nov. 2011.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Why the EU Needs to Engage Russia on Asian Security.” FRIDE Policy Brief. No. 82. Jun. 2011.
Sullivan, Charles J. “Riding the Revolutionary Wave: America, the Arab Spring, and the Autumn of 1989.” The Washington Review of Turkish and Eurasian Affairs. Apr. 2011.
Welt, Cory and Samuel Charap. A More Proactive U.S. Approach to the Georgia Conflicts. Center for American Progress. Feb. 2011.
Welt, Cory and Samuel Charap. “Easing the Crossing: More Permits, Crossing Points and Clearer Rules Are Needed.” The International Institute for Strategic Studies. Feb. 2011.
Harris Mylonas.“Never Alone…Find the Way,”, January 27 2016.
Harris Mylonas.“One year with Alexis Tsipras in Government,” Efimerida ton Syntakton, January 26 2016.
Harris Mylonas. “Greece just called new elections. Here’s the background you need to understand them.” The Washington Post blog, The Monkey Cage, August 20, 2015 (with Akis Georgakellos).
Harris Mylonas. “Tsipras’ Greek balancing act begins” The Washington Post blog, The Monkey Cage, February 3, 2015 (with Akis Georgakellos).
Harris Mylonas. “Greece goes to the polls and Europe holds its breath,” The Washington Post blog, The Monkey Cage, January 24, 2015 (with Akis Georgakellos).
Welt, Cory. “Ukraine’s Road to Normalcy.” Center for American Progress. 29 May 2014.
Welt, Cory. “Responding to Russia’s Illegal Military Incursion in Ukraine” (with Rudy de Leon). Center for American Progress. 3 March 2014.
Engel, Laura C. “Internationalizing Schools to Build Global Competence: Some Considerations for Teachers.” The National Capital Language Resource Center Newsletter. Vol. 17, No. 4. Mar./Apr. 2014.
Engel, Laura C. and Michael J. Feuer. “Five Myths About International Large-Scale Assessments.” Education Week. 23 Mar. 2014.
Hale, Henry E. and Stephen E. Hanson. “Training Russia Specialists.” New York Times, letter to the editor. 12 Mar. 2014.
Hintz, Lisel. “‘No Opposition, No Democracy’ in Turkey’s Elections.” The Monkey Cage. The Washington Post. 3 Apr. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Russia’s National Identity and Foreign Policy toward the Asia-Pacific.” The Asan Forum. 25 Jan. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene and J. Paul Goode. “Putin, Crimea and the Legitimacy Trap.” Open Democracy. 13 Mar. 2014.
Laruelle, Marlene and Sean Roberts. “Why Ukraine’s Crisis Keeps Central Asian Leaders Up at Night.” The Monkey Cage. The Washington Post. 7 Mar. 2014.
Orttung, Robert. “How the Olympics in Sochi Differ from Previous Games.” ASEEES NewsNet. Jan. 2014. Pp. 18-19.
Orttung, Robert. “Olimpstroy: Building the Sochi Olympics from Scratch.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 143. 9 Feb. 2014.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Authoritarian Regimes Retool Their Media-Control Strategy.” The Washington Post. 10 Jan. 2014.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Russia’s Media Imperialism.” Freedom At Issue. Freedom House. 13 May 2014.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Why All Autocracies Need State-Run Media.” The Moscow Times. 5 Feb. 2014.
Orttung, Robert and Sufian Zhemukhov. “Preparing for Sochi.” GW Today. 5 Feb. 2014.
Orttung, Robert and Sufian Zhemukhov. “Professor’s Take: Tensions Abound in Pre-Olympics Russia.” The GW Hatchet. 27 Jan. 2014.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Iran’s Growing Role in Central Asia? Geopolitical, Economic and Political Profit and Loss Account.” Al Jazeera. 2 Apr. 2014.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “A Power Shift in the Caucasus Emirate: The Vilayat Dagestan Threat and Its Implications for the Sochi Olympics.” The World Post. 24 Jan. 2014.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “Was Sochi the Right Choice to Host the Winter Olympics?” The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti, CBC Radio. 21 Jan. 2014.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “Sochi Security Concerns.” CBC News. 6 Feb. 2014.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “The Myth of the Black Widow.” Open Democracy. 13 Feb. 2014.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “The Sochi Olympics: Understanding Terroristic Threats Emanating From the Caucasus Emirate.” The World Post. 13 Jan. 2014.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “‘Emerging Markets’ Take a Hit.” On Point with Tom Ashbrook, National Public Radio. 4 Feb. 2014.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Income Inequality Widens Across the Globe.” US News & World Report. 28 Jan. 2014.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “What Good Are All These Numbers?“ US News & World Report. 24 Feb. 2014.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “What’s Next for the BRICS?” US News & World Report. 10 Feb. 2014.
Rossi Silvano, Augustin and Raul Romeva i Rueda. “Quien se lucra con nuestros datos?” [“Who profits from our data?”]. Huffington Post. 14 Jan. 2014. [In Spanish]
Welt, Cory. “Achieving Unity in Ukraine.” Center for American Progress. 17 Apr. 2014.
Welt, Cory. “An Opportunity to Resolve the Escalating Crisis in Ukraine.” Center for American Progress. 21 Feb. 2014.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Migrant Workers and the Sochi Olympics.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 143. 9 Feb. 2014.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Putin Promises ‘Total Annihilation’ for Terror Groups.” The Takeaway with John Hockenberry. 2 Jan. 2014.
Feigenbaum, Harvey B. “Eastern Europe’s Jewish Theme Parks.” Le Monde Diplomatique. 12 Aug. 2013.
Hale, Henry. “Danger Looms in 2014 Afghan Presidential Election.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Blog. 17 Oct. 2013.
Hintz, Lisel. “The Might of the Pen(guin) in Turkey’s Protests.” Foreign Policy: The Middle East Channel. 10 Jun. 2013.
Kurilla, Ivan and Cory Welt. “Don’t Give Up on the U.S.-Russian Reset.” The National Interest. 29 Mar. 2013.
Kurilla, Ivan and Charles Sullivan. “The Main Event in U.S.-Russian Relations.” Vedomosti. 8 May 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Anti-Migrant Riots in Russia: The Mobilizing Potential of Xenophobia.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 141. 23 Dec. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene. “Conservatism as the Kremlin’s New Toolkit: an Ideology at the Lowest Cost.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 138. 8 Nov. 2013.
Laruelle, Marlene and Scott Radnitz. “Will Afghanistan Take Central Asia Down with It?” The National Interest. 1 Aug. 2013.
Mylonas, Harris. “Wither Nation-Building?” e-International Relations. 8 May 2013.
Mylonas, Harris and Akis Georgakellos. “Sand Dunes in the Greek Landscape: Party Politics and Political Conditions in Times of Crisis.” The Monkey Cage. 11 Jun. 2013.
Orttung, Robert. “Kremlin Nationalism versus Russia’s NGOs.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 138. 8 Nov. 2013.
Orttung, Robert. “Navalny’s Campaign To Be Moscow Mayor.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 136. 16 Sep. 2013.
Orttung, Robert. “Professor Examines Protests in Ukraine.” GW Today. 9 Dec. 2013.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “News By and For the Authorities.” International Herald Tribune. 5 Apr. 2013.
Peyrouse, Sebastien. “Race for Rare Earths in Central Asia.” National Geographic News Watch. 20 Aug. 2013.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “A New Anti-Terrorist Law in Russia: Feeding the Insurgency through Corruption and Police Abuses.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. 26 Nov. 2013.
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “Boston: 2e suspect toujours recherche: Entrevue avec Jean-Francois Ratelle.” Radio Canada. 19 Apr. 2013. [In French]
Ratelle, Jean-Francois. “The Chechen Connection.” CBC. 19 Apr. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Angela Merkel, Both Loved and Feared.” US News & World Report. 9 Sep. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Cyprus is Coming for Your Savings.” US News & World Report. 18 Mar. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Cyprus Trod Where None Had Dared.” US News & World Report. 25 Mar. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Erdogan’s Fire and Brimstone.” US News & World Report. 10 Jun. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Estonia’s Lessons in Cyberwarfare.” US News & World Report. 14 Jan. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Is This the End for Eurozone Austerity?” US News & World Report. 6 May 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Italy Must Vote for the Future, Not the Past, in Today’s Election.” US News & World Report. 25 Feb. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Merkel in the Driver’s Seat.” US News & World Report. 23 Sep. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Personal Reflections on Thatcher’s Legacy.” US News & World Report. 16 Apr. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Silvio Berlusconi’s Circus Is Back in Town.” US News & World Report. 8 Oct. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “The Berlusconi Effect.” US News & World Report. 6 Aug. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly About the Global Economy.” US News & World Report. 13 May 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “The View from Taksim Square: The Fight for Modern Turkey.” US News & World Report. 6 Jun. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “To EU or Not to EU?” US News & World Report. 8 Apr. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Why Can’t the West Govern Itself?” US News & World Report. 4 Mar. 2013.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Will Italy’s Prime Minister Be Around Much Longer?” US News & World Report. 29 Jul. 2013.
Reisser, Colin. “Corporate Power and Urban Policy in Norilsk.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 139. 18 Nov. 2013.
Roberts, Sean R. “Tiananmen crash: Terrorism or cry of desperation?” CNN. 31 Oct. 2013.
Roberts, Sean R. and Kilic Bugra Kanat. “China’s Wild West: A Cautionary Tale of Ethnic Conflict and Development.” The Diplomat. 15 Jul. 2013.
Snetkov, Aglaya. “Reset: A New Cold War?” The Current. CBC Radio. 13 May 2013 [part 2].
Waller, Julian G. “The Logic and Practice of Official Support for Alexey Navalny’s Mayoral Run.” Russian Analytical Digest. No. 136. 16 Sep. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “But on Balance, and Despite All the Drama, it’s Been a Decent Start.” IPN Georgia. 22 Mar. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “Not in Our Backyard: Russia Objects to NATO Base in Romania.” Voice of Russia. 1 Nov. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “The Boston Marathon Attack, the North Caucasus, and U.S.-Russian Relations.” Center for American Progress. 22 Apr. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “Ukraine’s Euromaidan: Now Comes the Hard Part.” Center for American Progress. 23 Dec. 2013.
Welt, Cory. “What’s the Deal with Russia?” KNPR Nevada Public Radio. 11 Feb. 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “‘Resting’ at the Black Sea: Russia’s Latest Military Maneuvers.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Blog. 12 Apr. 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “The New Insurgents of Our Era.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Blog. 22 Apr. 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Voting on the UN Resolution for Georgia’s Territorial Integrity.” PONARS Eurasia Policy Blog. 16 Jul. 2013.
Zhemukhov, Sufian. “Will the Detention of Amirov, ‘Dagestan’s Luzhkov,’ Change Anything?” PONARS Eurasia Policy Blog. 7 Jun. 2013.
Farrell, Henry. “Power and Voting in the European Central Bank.” The Monkey Cage. 15 Nov. 2012.
Feigenbaum, Harvey B. “The German Ideology.” Le Monde Diplomatique. 25 May 2012.
Hintz, Lisel. “Reading Turkish Politics from a Soap Opera.” The Middle East Channel, Foreign Policy. 7 Dec. 2012.
Lagadec, Erwan. “La realite n’est pas celle du declin de l’Occident et du triomphe des BRICS” [“Current trends do not spell the West’s decline and the triumph of the BRICS”]. Le Monde. 19 Jun. 2012.
Mylonas, Harris. “Pre-Election Report: 2012 Greek Parliamentary Election.” The Monkey Cage. 5 May 2012.
Mylonas, Harris. “Eurozone Reforms Still Captive to Local Politics.” Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. 31 May 2012.
Mylonas, Harris and Akis Georgakellos. “Greece’s Elections and Its Aftermath.” The Utopian Blog. 9 May 2012.
Mylonas, Harris and Emirhan Yorulmazlar. “Regional Multilateralism: The Next Paradigm in Global Affairs.” CNN Global Public Square. 14 Jan. 2012.
Nilsson, Niklas. “Georgia’s Parliamentary Elections a Surprise to Most Observers.” Baltic Worlds. 10 Oct. 2012.
Nilsson, Niklas. “Overraskande valseger kan starka Georgiens Natoambitioner” [“Surprising Election Victory Could Strengthen Georgia’s NATO Ambitions”] Ui-bloggen, Swedish Institute of International Affairs. 11 Oct. 2012. [In Swedish]
Nilsson, Niklas and Svante E. Cornell. “Prospects and Pitfalls after Georgia’s Elections.” Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst. Vol. 14, No. 17, 4 Oct. 2012.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “As Russia Prepares for Protests, New Media Battle the Old.” Freedom House. 2 Feb. 2012.
Orttung, Robert. “Will Ukraine Produce Shale Gas?” Zerkalo nedeli. 20-27 Jan.2012. [In Russian] [In Ukrainian]
Paxson, Margaret. “What is Peace?” Aeon Magazine . 6 Dec. 2012.
Reddaway, Peter and Stephen F. Cohen. “Dishonoring Stalin’s Victims.” The Nation. 11 Jun. 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Could Turkey Be a Super Power?” US News & World Report. 6 Nov. 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Global Tectonic Shifts.” Huffington Post College. 9 May 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Greece Leaving the Eurozone Would Be a Disaster.” US News & World Report Debate Club. 16 May 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Mario Monti Should Be Italian Prime Minister Again.” US News & World Report. 31 Dec. 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Putin’s Russia Won’t Achieve Super Power Status.” US News & World Report. 31 Oct. 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Silvio Berlusconi, Mario Monti, and Italy’s Coming Elections.” US News & World Report. 17 Dec. 2012.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “What the European Union Must Do Post-Nobel Prize .” US News & World Report. 22 Oct. 2012.
Rybiy, Olena. “2012 Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine: Balancing on the Edge.” e-International Relations. 13 Dec. 2012.
Welt, Cory. “Russia and Georgia–an Interrupted Dialogue.” Valdai Discussion Club. 16 Apr. 2012.
Farrell, Henry. “Zoned.” The Nation. 12 Dec. 2011. [Review of David Marquand, The End of the West: The Once and Future Europe].
Hale, Henry E. “4 Myths of Russia’s Party System.” The Moscow Times. 24 Jul. 2011.
Hale, Henry E. “‘No Prospects’ for Imminent Karabakh Resolution.” News.Az. 6 Jul. 2011.
Hale, Henry E. “Partiinaia sistema v Rossii: Chetyre mifa” (“Russia’s Party System: Four Myths”). Vedomosti. No 130, 18 Jul. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “Berlin Wall is Gone, but Mental Barriers Remain.” Judy Dempsey. The New York Times. 8 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. “Eine Deutsche Angelegenheit” (“A German Matter”). Die Welt. 11 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. “New Evidence on the Building of the Berlin Wall.” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars e-Dossier No. 23. Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “Recalling When a Wall Split a City Apart.” Nicholas Kulish. The New York Times. 12 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “50 Years On: Getting Over the ‘Wall of Shame’.” Stuart Braun. Al Jazeera. 13 Aug. 2011.
Kavakci, Merve. “Debates About Muslim Women Alter Their Lives.” The Washington Post. 28 Apr. 2011.
Kavakci, Merve. “Burqa Ban in France.” KQED Radio. 13 Apr. 2011.
Kudelia, Serhiy. “US analyst: ‘Post-Soviet conflicts may become a matter of violent confrontation once a multilateral diplomacy runs its course’.” Azerbaijani Press Agency. 12 Dec. 2011.
Liaras, Evan and Harris Mylonas. “What Really Went Wrong in Greece?” CNN Global Public Square. 20 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris. “Analysis of Greece’s Cabinet Reshuffle.” CNN Global Public Square. 17 Jun. 2011.
Mylonas Harris and Thomas Meaney. “Greece’s Legitimacy Crisis.” 3 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas Harris and Thomas Meaney. “Is Greece Being Reckless or Bold?” CNN Global Public Square. 2 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris. “The End of Peaceful Protest?” 5 Jul. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris and Stephen B. Kaplan. “From Possibility to Austerity.” Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review. 1 Apr. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris and Wilder Bullard. “This Is No 1989 for the Arab World.” The Guardian. 8 Feb. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. ” From Revolution to Democracy: As Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan have shown, the hard part in Egypt and Tunisia begins now.” Wall Street Journal Europe. 7 Mar. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Lies and Videotape.” The New York Times. 22 Apr. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Russia’s Revolution Won’t Be Televised.” Freedom House Blog. 30 Nov. 2011.
Pifer, Steven. “Undemocratic Values Will Isolate Ukraine.” Kyiv Post. 28 Jul. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Bruce Johnson Talks Economy with Dr. Rehman.” WUSA9, Washington. 6 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Greece and the European Debt Crisis.” The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio. 30 Jun. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Italy and Spain/Euro Debt Crisis and the US Credit Downgrade.” Voice of Russia Radio. 6 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “No Clear Path Forward for Eurozone as Economic Woes Continue.” PBS Newshour with Judy Woodruff. 16 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Riots in England/Debt Crisis in Europe.” The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio. 11 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “S&P Drops US Credit Rating.” Voice of Russia. 8 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “What Washington Can Do To Boost the Economy.” WCVB, Boston. 10 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “US Stock Market Forecast with Dr. Scheherazade Rehman.” WUSA9, Washington. 7 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “US Credit Rating Downgraded: Interview.” WUSA9, Washington. 5 Aug. 2011.
Sorel, Eliot, M.D. “The U.N.’s Unfortunate Exclusion.” Psychiatric News. 7 Oct. 2011.
Welt, Cory. “Azerbaijan Does Not Need to Worry about Some Kind of Turkish ‘Betrayal’.” 4 Nov. 2011.
Welt, Cory. “‘South Caucasus Continues to Be One of Main Priorities of US Foreign Policy.’” News.Az. 2 May 2011.
Welt, Cory. “US Expert: ‘It Is Too Early to Think about Russia-US Security Cooperation in the South Caucasus’.” Azerbaijani Press Agency. 21 Apr. 2011.
Farrell, Henry. “Zoned.” The Nation. 12 Dec. 2011. [Review of David Marquand, The End of the West: The Once and Future Europe].
Hale, Henry E. “4 Myths of Russia’s Party System.” The Moscow Times. 24 Jul. 2011.
Hale, Henry E. “‘No Prospects’ for Imminent Karabakh Resolution.” News.Az. 6 Jul. 2011.
Hale, Henry E. “Partiinaia sistema v Rossii: Chetyre mifa” (“Russia’s Party System: Four Myths”). Vedomosti. No 130, 18 Jul. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “Berlin Wall is Gone, but Mental Barriers Remain.” Judy Dempsey. The New York Times. 8 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. “Eine Deutsche Angelegenheit” (“A German Matter”). Die Welt. 11 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. “New Evidence on the Building of the Berlin Wall.” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars e-Dossier No. 23. Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “Recalling When a Wall Split a City Apart.” Nicholas Kulish. The New York Times. 12 Aug. 2011.
Harrison, Hope M. In “50 Years On: Getting Over the ‘Wall of Shame’.” Stuart Braun. Al Jazeera. 13 Aug. 2011.
Kavakci, Merve. “Debates About Muslim Women Alter Their Lives.” The Washington Post. 28 Apr. 2011.
Kavakci, Merve. “Burqa Ban in France.” KQED Radio. 13 Apr. 2011.
Kudelia, Serhiy. “US analyst: ‘Post-Soviet conflicts may become a matter of violent confrontation once a multilateral diplomacy runs its course’.” Azerbaijani Press Agency. 12 Dec. 2011.
Liaras, Evan and Harris Mylonas. “What Really Went Wrong in Greece?” CNN Global Public Square. 20 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris. “Analysis of Greece’s Cabinet Reshuffle.” CNN Global Public Square. 17 Jun. 2011.
Mylonas Harris and Thomas Meaney. “Greece’s Legitimacy Crisis.” 3 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas Harris and Thomas Meaney. “Is Greece Being Reckless or Bold?” CNN Global Public Square. 2 Nov. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris. “The End of Peaceful Protest?” 5 Jul. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris and Stephen B. Kaplan. “From Possibility to Austerity.” Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review. 1 Apr. 2011.
Mylonas, Harris and Wilder Bullard. “This Is No 1989 for the Arab World.” The Guardian. 8 Feb. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. ” From Revolution to Democracy: As Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan have shown, the hard part in Egypt and Tunisia begins now.” Wall Street Journal Europe. 7 Mar. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Lies and Videotape.” The New York Times. 22 Apr. 2011.
Orttung, Robert and Christopher Walker. “Russia’s Revolution Won’t Be Televised.” Freedom House Blog. 30 Nov. 2011.
Pifer, Steven. “Undemocratic Values Will Isolate Ukraine.” Kyiv Post. 28 Jul. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Bruce Johnson Talks Economy with Dr. Rehman.” WUSA9, Washington. 6 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Greece and the European Debt Crisis.” The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio. 30 Jun. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Italy and Spain/Euro Debt Crisis and the US Credit Downgrade.” Voice of Russia Radio. 6 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “No Clear Path Forward for Eurozone as Economic Woes Continue.” PBS Newshour with Judy Woodruff. 16 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “Riots in England/Debt Crisis in Europe.” The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio. 11 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “S&P Drops US Credit Rating.” Voice of Russia. 8 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “What Washington Can Do To Boost the Economy.” WCVB, Boston. 10 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “US Stock Market Forecast with Dr. Scheherazade Rehman.” WUSA9, Washington. 7 Aug. 2011.
Rehman, Scheherazade. “US Credit Rating Downgraded: Interview.” WUSA9, Washington. 5 Aug. 2011.
Sorel, Eliot, M.D. “The U.N.’s Unfortunate Exclusion.” Psychiatric News. 7 Oct. 2011.
Welt, Cory. “Azerbaijan Does Not Need to Worry about Some Kind of Turkish ‘Betrayal’.” 4 Nov. 2011.
Welt, Cory. “‘South Caucasus Continues to Be One of Main Priorities of US Foreign Policy.’” News.Az. 2 May 2011.
Welt, Cory. “US Expert: ‘It Is Too Early to Think about Russia-US Security Cooperation in the South Caucasus’.” Azerbaijani Press Agency. 21 Apr. 2011.

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